Choosing the right selection of investments is an important task. Your financial goals and objectives, time horizon and attitudes towards risk all play a key role in determining an appropriate investment mix or asset allocation. It is important that you balance your investment objectives with your time horizon while keeping in mind your tolerance to risk.

Whether saving for the future or enjoying retirement, our Interactive Investor Profile can assist in matching the portfolio that is unique to you according to your time frame and the amount of risk you are willing to assume. 

Selecting your investment mix has never been easier.

There are three basic steps to formulating an effective asset allocation strategy.

  • Define your financial goals and the length of time you have to achieve those goals.
  • Consider how comfortable you are with investment risk - for example, will you lose sleep over investments that fluctuate in value?
  • Create a balanced portfolio that suits your financial needs through a mix of the major asset classes.

With the help of your advisor and the Interactive Investor Profile, you can determine an appropriate investment mix for your personal situation.

Our wide investment selection is ideal for building a portfolio that is suitable for conservative investors to those looking for more aggressive growth and everyone in between.

The daily interest account, guaranteed and term deposit accounts and wide range of segregated funds allow you to build a portfolio that suits the type of investor that you are. For those who prefer a more simplified approach to investing, our segregated fund portfolios offer the ideal solution. Each of our segregated fund portfolios offer outstanding diversification by asset class, investment style, geographic region and market capitalization.

Will my asset allocation change over time?

Your investment profile is far from static and is a reflection of your current personal and financial situation. As your goals and lifestyle circumstances change, your ideal asset allocation will likely change as well. The flexibility offered by our segregated fund account allows you to change your investment mix as deemed appropriate. Continual monitoring of your investments is necessary to ensure that the chosen investment mix remains consistent with your long-term goals, current situation and risk tolerance. Your financial advisor can assist you with this.

Asset allocation and your goals

Each of your financial goals will likely have varying time horizons associated with them, which can result in an asset allocation unique to each. Keep this in mind as you complete the questionnaire. Defining your financial goals will assist in creating an asset allocation that is consistent with your time horizon and risk tolerance. Take a moment to determine your primary financial goals and each of their specific time frames. Here are some examples:

  • Fund a long and active retirement
  • Save for your own business
  • Down payment on a home or cottage
  • Save for your children's or grandchildren's education
  • Recreation or travel
  • Create an estate
  • Provide current retirement income
  • Other

If you do not have an advisor and would like to speak to one, call us at 1.800.668.4095 and our customer service team would be pleased to have an advisor in your area contact you.